Friday, November 17, 2006

Santa Teresa, Peru

July 4 2006
This was one of my favorite places of my entire trip with my Papi. Our motorcycle had to get some repairs, so while my dad got help from a kind man I explored a little. But I didn't have to go far before I found my favorite kind of people.
I took out some cookies from my backpack, played some pick-a-boo and before I knew it I had gained their confidence. They were jewels! They got extremely excited when I took pictures of them and then showed them that image on the camera. "Otra vez! Otra Vez!" y "Yo,yo!" me decian. One of the younger ones got fascinated by my MP3 player. As I placed the head phones in his ears, he listened tentatively, opened his eyes wide and turned to me with a look that said, "Wow can you believe that!"
When I think of those children, I reflect on Christ's admonition, "be yee like little children."

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